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Showing posts with the label businessintelligence

Why Feedback is Crucial in Product Development?

Now, consider you are making some new tool or gadget, and you want to make it useful and liked; for technology and gadget-making, user feedback is very fundamental. It is far more than listening to opinions; it is the understanding that one gets, their real needs, their likings, and what frustrates them. Here is why user feedback is so important Improving the User Experience: Designing Thoughtfully: Feedback helps you understand what features work well and what doesn’t. This allows you to refine the product so that it’s more intuitive and meets users' needs. Addressing Issues: Negative feedback reveals where users struggle or face difficulties. By fixing these issues, you enhance the overall experience and satisfaction. Making Informed Decisions: Guiding Development: User feedback provides essential data that informs decisions about what to prioritize and how to allocate resources. Minimizing Risks: Listening to users helps avoid launching products that might not be well-received o

Interpreting Data: Raw Numbers to Insights

Imagine you have a big pile of fresh ingredients, like flour, sugar, and berries, but they're all mixed up and need sorting. Just like you need to organize and prepare ingredients before you can bake a delicious ptychie moloko cake, you need to clean and analyze raw data before you can use it to make good decisions for your business. The Importance of Understanding Data Think of data like a recipe book. If you can read it well, you can discover how to make the most popular dishes mama use to make for you; like pirozhki or borscht. For example, if you notice that more people buy pirozhki during the winter, you can plan to make more of them during those months. 1. Collecting and Preparing Data:    - Example: Suppose you have data from sales of your Russian foods like blini, borscht, and pirozhki, as well as feedback from your customers.    - Cleaning: You check if there are any mistakes, such as if you accidentally recorded a sale twice, and correct them.    - Organizing: You arrange
